The imperative I L’impératif

The imperative tense in French is used to give commands, make requests, or offer suggestions. It is formed using the present tense of verbs without the subject pronouns (tu, nous, vous). There are three forms: singular (tu), plural/formal (vous), and first-person plural (nous). For -er verbs, the “s” is dropped in the “tu” form. Examples: “Parle!” (Speak!), “Finissons!” (Let’s finish!), “Allez!” (Go!).

The imperative in French is formed by using the present tense of the verb without the subject pronoun:

  1. For “tu” (informal singular): Use the verb in the present, drop the pronoun. For -er verbs, drop the final “s”, for II and III group verbs no changes
    Example: Parle! (Speak!)
  2. For “vous” (formal/plural): Use the present form of the verb, no changes.
    Example: Parlez! (Speak!)
  3. For “nous” (let’s): Use the present “nous” form of the verb.
    Example: Allons! (Let’s go!)

Basic rules for forming the imperative in French

  1. No Subject Pronouns: The imperative is used without subject pronouns (tu, nous, vous).
  2. *-ER Verbs (tu form): In the “tu” form, drop the final *-s** in regular -ER verbs.
  • Example: Tu parles → Parle! (Speak!)
  1. *Exceptions : Some verbs, like *être, avoir, and savoir, vouloir have irregular imperative forms:
  • être: Sois, Soyons, Soyez
  • avoir: Aie, Ayons, Ayez
  • savoir: Sache, Sachons, Sachez
  • Vouloir: Veuille , Veuillons ; Veuillez
  1. *Negative Imperative: Add *ne…pas around the verb.
  • Example: Ne parle pas! (Don’t speak!)

The Negative imperative in French is formed by placing ne before the verb and pas after the verb. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Start with the affirmative imperative form (without the subject pronoun).
  2. Add “ne” before the verb and “pas” after the verb.


  • Tu form:
    Affirmative: Parle! (Speak!)
    Negative: Ne parle pas! (Don’t speak!)
  • Vous form:
    Affirmative: Allez! (Go!)
    Negative: N’allez pas! (Don’t go!)
  • Nous form:
    Affirmative: Allons! (Let’s go!)
    Negative: N’allons pas! (Let’s not go!)

The same rule applies to irregular verbs, like être and avoir:

  • Ne sois pas en retard! (Don’t be late!)
  • N’ayez pas peur! (Don’t be afraid!)

With Prominal Verbes
In the imperative with pronominal (reflexive) verbs in French, the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nous, vous) changes depending on whether the command is affirmative or negative.

Affirmative Form:

  • The reflexive pronoun is placed after the verb and connected with a hyphen.
  • Te becomes Toi , nous and vous remains same


  1. *Tu: *Lève-toi! (Get up!)
  2. *Nous: *Reposons-nous! (Let’s rest!)
  3. *Vous: *Habillez-vous! (Get dressed!)

Negative Form: In case of Negative of reflexive verbs we make:


  1. *Tu: *Ne te lève pas! (Don’t get up!)
  2. *Nous: *Ne nous reposons pas! (Let’s not rest!)
  3. *Vous: *Ne vous habillez pas! (Don’t get dressed!)

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